Awaris Team

Matthias Nitsche


Matthias focuses his work on the development and implementation of corporate programs with a focus on mindfulness/resilience/agility/leadership. He also holds workshops and trainings on these topics, accompanies Insights’s MDI-based team development and conducts individual coaching sessions.

Why am I working for Awaris?
Awaris tries everything it recommends to its customers on the inside. In other words, there is an honest effort to become a "mindful organisation" itself. A deeply appreciative and professional cooperation. Matthias is part of Awaris since 2008.

Matthias Nitsche,


  • Diploma for Adult Education / Counselling (University of Cologne)
  • Continuing training systemic consulting (Neues Lernen Cologne)
  • Training as a systemic coach (Systeamotion)
  • Insights MDI Master Coach (Scheelen Institute)
  • Firstbeat Lifestyle-Coach
  • Training as an initiative process supervisor / vision search leader (i.A. Eschwege Institute)
  • Training as a yoga and meditation teacher (University of Cologne)
  • Trainer for mindfulness in organisations (Awaris, fomerly Kalapa Academy)


  • Consultant, trainer and coach since 2013
  • 500+ mindfulness-based leadership workshops
  • Development of innovative mindfulness trainings
  • 8 years of leadership experience
  • Managing Director of a software company since 2022


  • German
  • English

I have a passion for

Carpenting, dancing, spending time in nature, fishing

Life means continuous change and adaptation. Opposing this change is as human as it is impossible. Supporting people and organisations to live through their transformation processes in confidence fills me with joy and gratitude.

Matthias Nitsche,