Inner Green Deal
How to slow climate change
and start transformation
Leaders who want to drive the change to more sustainability can shift mindsets and build competencies through the “Inner Green Deal” initiative. Its basis: inner qualities such as compassion, mindfulness and resilience.
Our Inner Green Deal
is an initiative for decision makers
Germany is set to become climate neutral by 2045, the EU by 2050 – this is the current status of the voluntary commitments. Many companies and municipalities would like to move ahead faster or have already begun their transformation. The reasoning is obvious: those who don’t act now will lose degrees of freedom. And those who do not prioritize sustainability will take risks and have a credibility problem with their stakeholders. Previous sustainability efforts have largely focused on technological and other “external” changes. While that is important, it is not enough. A deeper, systemic change is needed that requires an inner transformation: a change in mindset, behavior, and values.
For this reason, we have launched our initiative “The Inner Green Deal”: because businesses and society as a whole need compassionate leaders at all levels driving effective decisions. People with leadership responsibility are called upon to courageously shape change. To do this, they need a high level of awareness so that they can recognize the need for action, they can act wisely and with passion, and implement sustainable goals with mental strength.
We make a difference. For our customers. For the community. For the world we live in. Through the Inner Green Deal initiative, we are making our contribution to a greener and fairer society.
Liane Stephan, Co-Managing Director, Awaris
Becoming climate neutral is a challenge
for managers and organizations
The Inner Green Deal Initiative offers a full range of shorter and long-term transformative programs for individuals, teams and organizations. Our trainers are experienced experts in systemic transformation and mindset and behavioral change. They use the latest findings in neuroscience to initiate and anchor change in collaboration with you.
The following groups can benefit from the Inner Green Deal:
- leaders in the fields of human resources and sustainability management in companies and organizations,
- leaders in large companies that are committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and want to take a leading role within their company,
- individuals who want to build a community with like-minded people who are similarly committed.
Interested in the Inner Green Deal?
My inner purpose: Helping people reconnect to their inner and outer nature and in this way helping them address the challenges of our age – in particular the climate crisis.
Jeroen Janss, Director Awaris EU, Inner Green Deal Initiative, trainer and coach
Starting and anchoring the transformation
This is how the Inner Green Deal works
Technical implementation is not enough to achieve climate neutrality. Reducing emissions, conserving resources, making supply chains more sustainable, thinking in terms of material cycles – all these are necessary to achieve sustainability goals. This type of agenda requires clear and binding values and agile thinking. What is also necessary is inspiring leaders to think outside the box, to build genuine collaborations and cultivate new behaviors.
This shift in mindset and behaviour comes even before any investments and technical know-how that change also requires. In order for this to be applied at the right time and in the right place, inner qualities such as empathy, curiosity, courage or even resilience are necessary for both managers and teams. Otherwise, ambitious projects get stuck or become difficult to control.
How leaders become influential drivers of transformation
Our “Inner Green Deal” initiative broadens perspectives on the topic of sustainability and trains people to change and integrate new sustainable habits.
It will make it possible to develop concrete sustainability projects in collaboration with colleagues. This changes people and spurs innovation. In this way, a network of driving forces is created that inspires others with its vision. Are you interested in the ideas of climate activists from science, politics and society? Listen to our podcast!
Our five steps towards a culture of sustainability
In order to embed sustainability into your corporate culture, we offer you a clear path and you can choose the one that is most appropriate among the five steps for your situation. Our facilitators will accompany you along the way. The five steps range from assessment to anchoring the changes:
- Listen: This means evaluating aspects of your sustainability culture. Are the people in your organization behind your sustainability goals? What is needed to drive change?
- Connect: Through workshops, we discuss the connection between mindset and sustainable behavior. You and your team will receive support in identifying your roles and your development potential.
- Transform: In shorter or longer programs, you will experience the inner and outer dimensions of sustainability using real case studies.
- Roll out: In “Champion Programmes” you build up multipliers. They initiate the exchange in your organization and carry out short programs themselves. In this way, sustainability is anchored.
- Sustain: Resilience programs support your employees in their efforts to support the goal of carbon neutrality. Because change costs energy it is important to feel that effective climate protection is worth the effort.
Interested in the Inner Green Deal and the Five Step Path?
Two examples of leading the way
in climate protection
Our Inner Green Deal initiative turns people, companies and organizations into drivers of inner transformation for outer sustainable change to achieve climate neutrality. We have evaluated our program “Beyond – Climate Leadership” together with the Lund University Center for Sustainable Studies.
The most important facts about the BEYOND program:
- Participants: up to 50 participants possible
- Learning time: 7 online modules of 2.5 hours each plus self-study and group work
- Implementation: Blended learning with social learning platform 4.0 and app accompaniment
- Time frame: 10 weeks
- Collaboration: Participants worked on real organizational and societal challenges for which they have developed initiatives and working prototypes
Two examples:
Inner Green Deal for managers in EU institutions: In a pilot program with 40 participants from a range of EU institutions, we explored the key dimensions of sustainability in seven modules. Subsequently, the program will be offered on an ongoing basis to all managers in all EU institutions, including the Commission and the Parliament.
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There has been a 15% increase in the integration of climate-related issues into internal working structures – within just three months of the program’s launch.
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72% of participants stated that they would integrate more climate change issues or integrate them more extensively into their respective work areas over the next twelve months.
Inner Green Deal for executives of an international chemical company: In a pilot program, the 21 participants focused on real challenges within their company and in society in order to achieve the goal of climate neutrality. They have launched initiatives and have developed prototypes that have been implemented. They have founded a self-organized sustainability community that is driving the issue forward internally.
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The integration of climate-relevant issues in planning, evaluation and monitoring increased by 16% – within only three months after the start of the program.
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82% of the participants stated that they would integrate more climate change issues or integrate them more extensively into their respective work areas in the next twelve months.
Start your transformation to climate neutrality with us!
The Awaris Inner Green Deal initiative is based on solid expertise gained through years of experience and contemporary tools:
- We run more than 300 training programs a year.
- Our trainers and facilitators are highly qualified and have international experience.
- We use the current findings of neuroscience, behavioral and cognitive research.
- Our programs are scientifically evaluated.
- We use sophisticated blended learning formats and a customizable app and learning platform.
Benefits we offer:
- Leaders become credible and authentic advocates for their organizations’ sustainability efforts. Colleagues become champions for change.
- Organizations embrace their role as innovators for sustainability, attracting talent and financial support.
- Ecosystems emerge in which the most effective agents of change work together to create an environment in which we all want to live.
We desire to contribute to transformative change and understand that this requires both evidence-based work and integrated solutions that are able to support individual, societal and planetary wellbeing. This is what we work towards.
Jeroen Janss, Director Awaris EU,
Inner Green Deal Initiative, trainer and coach