Bosch x Awaris – Strong Teams • Smart Work
We delivered a pilot programme for Bosch based on the core objective: How can high performance and well-being in hybrid teams be purposefully and consciously nurtured?
In this case film, produced for the HR Excellence Award application, we highlight the key challenges for hybrid teams and how we approached this task rooted in the wellbeing of team members. We identified more than 30 team habits of successful hybrid and virtual teams, divided into six core areas.
With the help of our TeamScan survey and report, we guided teams on a learning journey to reflect and change their hybrid team culture – one habit at a time.

We almost won the HR Excellence Award 2022 for innovative products in the category Hybrid Work.
In this webinar we share five things that are innovative and different about our approach to develop hybrid teams.
- We focused on the how of developing a functioning hybrid team culture
- We surveyed over 100 teams to learn more about the key habits for performance and care
- We found a scalable, yet effective solution to develop teams
- We built both the individual’s wellbeing and their team’s performance
Interested to learn more? Sign up today!
About The Speakers

Chris Tamdjidi
Founder/Managing Director Awaris
Chris Tamdjidi started his career as a Physicist, before changing direction into the world of business and management consulting in Europe and Asia. His lifelong interest in mindfulness and the sciences of the mind matured. He co founded Awaris, a company active in 15 countries helping people cultivate resilience, collaborative mindset and balancing care and performance. Awaris helps companies pilot and rollout large scale programs to transform minds and hearts.

Dr Silke Rupprecht
Head of Research
Silke is Research Lead at Awaris and Inner Green Deal and a lecturer at the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation. As Head of Research at Awaris, Silke is primarily responsible for developing evaluations. She is responsible for communicating in-house research insights and TeamMind training.