Awaris Team

Carina Ehrnhöfer


A world in which we live, love and work more mindfully. Carina takes care of that in organizations, hotels, on conferences and on journeys. She gives trainings, workshops and retreats on mindfulness, emotions and communication. Besides that, she is an enthusiastic entrepreneur and helping also others to develop their business.

Why am I working for Awaris?
For me, Awaris is the pioneer when it comes to training and development in the field of mindfulness in organizations. High standards, based on neuroscience, best educated trainers and the latest tools. In addition, the heart in the right place. Here mindfulness is not only talked about, but mindfulness is lived. Carina joined the Awaris team in 2022.

Carina Ehrnhöfer,


  • Education in business organization and economic management
  • Master in Leadership & Management
  • Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Trainer
  • Three in One Concepts Consultant Facilitator (emotional stressrelease)
  • Health promotion and management
  • Several trainings in Theory U, Zürcher Ressourcen Modell (ZRMâ), Trauma, Yin Yoga, Stressmanagement, Resilience
  • Entrepreneur since the age of 20


  • Many years of experience in management & leadership in health promotion sector
  • Mindfulness Trainings  & Mentorings since 2016
  • Business development, leader- & entrepreneurship
  • Stressmanagement
  • Resilience
  • Mindfulness in the workplace
  • Emotion-based work and traumasensitive mindfulness Retreats


  • German

My Passion

Delicious food, sun & beach, animals, nature, friends & communitys, massages

Building connection - to ourselves, to others and to our environment.

Carina Ehrnhöfer,