Awaris Team

Friedhelm Boschert
Facilitator and coachFriedhelm has many years of experience in the field of coaching. His work focuses on mindfulness and sustainability in leadership. This includes in particular the topics of mindful cultural change, time management and leadership as a coach. In addition, he specifically supervises financial institutions on the topic of sustainable financial management, lived risk culture and uses the HRO approach to implement a certain culture.
Why am I working for Awaris?
Friedhelm Boschert,
Awaris is the most professionally competent provider of mindfulness for companies and the economy. Emphasis is placed on permanent qualification and the development of close personal relationships in the Awaris community. I also like the charismatic leadership of the company. Friedhelm joined the Awaris team in 2015.
Facilitator and coach
- Diploma in Business Administration (FH)
- Diploma in Economy
- Dr. oec
- Presencing Institute Foundation Course “U-Theory”
- Trainer for mindfulness and meditation, Vienna
- Many years of experience in the financial and banking sector
- Corporate social responsibility, corporate culture
- Mindfulness in organisations, money and mindfulness, sustainability and mindfulness
- Initiative of mindfulness in politics
- German
- English
My passion
Teaching and training = development work with people, journeys of discovery into the inner and outer world, the feeling of nature, cycling and canoeing, Beethoven, Oikocredit, scientific and political thriller
My inner purpose: Contribute to the flourishing of the world. I want to discover and develop potentials in myself, in people and in society. It is also important to me to make the economy and companies a human place and to help preserve nature.
Friedhelm Boschert,
Facilitator and coach