Leadership Development
How mindfulness is a foundational capacity for transformation
Mastering complex situations and enabling collaboration through mindfulness
Our business- and work environment is changing radically. This presents leaders with major challenges. They have to recognize trends and filter out the information that is relevant for decision-making from an abundance of information. They have to develop new strategies – in addition to managing their daily business. And they have to win over your teams for new goals. They are responsible for ensuring that collaboration succeeds and organizations function.
A necessary prerequisite: managers must be able to regulate their own inner climate. Because only this gives them the necessary adaptability and skill to master complex situations. Mindfulness is a foundational practice for this.
Leading with emotion and clarity is a prerequisite for successful transformation in business.
Heike Baur-Wagner, Director Business Development, Awaris

Leadership development journeys
Why we need systemic transformation
In collaboration with our clients, we have created a series of leadership development journeys. These structured offerings for transformation are based on mindfulness, neuroscience and systems thinking.
Organizations are becoming more and more complex. This requires systemic thinking and action. In order to manage change successfully, managers need tailor-made tools and a curious and attentive attitude. This is exactly what we teach in our development journeys, cultural change projects and coaching sessions.
A culture of learning represents the most important competitive advantage now and in the future.
Chris Tamdjidi, co-founder, Awaris
Radical Transformation
Check In
Our approach “New work radicalism” goes to the root (from lat. radix, the root). It aims at the profound and uncompromising change of attitude, interaction and behaviour in complex systems.
Actively shaping change requires the collective wisdom of all employees. Cognition, emotion and body receive equal attention and this leads to new insights. Mindfulness, awareness and emotional resilience will form the root of a new corporate culture.
Agility also represents such a root. It ensures liveliness and flexibility. In this way, you and your teams react in an agile way to new things and proactively shape value-creating changes. We have developed this approach with our partner Anthrosys.

Thinking Globally
leaders as change makers
Leaders, organizations, governments and communities who want to think outside the box will find the right impulses and tools in our development journeys. The idea behind it: As people, teams and organizations we influence the global system. Let us become aware of these connections! Think beyond your organization and take responsibility for social, economic and ecological changes. In short: Become a Change Maker. Our Change Maker program lasts one year and sets in motion an inner climate change for the better.
We love working with you in co-creation. Together we can make a big difference.
Liane Stephan, co-founder, Awaris